Training and Development

Training and Development

Training and Development

The Office of Human Resources is committed to our employee’s continuous pursuit of excellence and growth by offering professional development opportunities and resources.

Have a specific topic you would like to learn more about? Please submit your information here:

Training Request

Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities

Please monitor Utica’s “Morning Mention” daily email digest for information on upcoming opportunities or contact the Office of Human Resources at any time (x3276 or

Training and Development Calendar

Training Slide Decks

Access slide decks of previously offered trainings below (Utica login required):

Slide Decks

External Resources

Attendance for external opportunities would need to be approved by an employee’s supervisor and would come from the department's budget.

Mohawk Valley Toastmasters Club (Toastmasters International)
Toastmasters help people learn the arts of speaking, listening, and thinking in a mutually supportive and learning environment.
More Information

Innovative Educators: Educating faculty, staff and students
More Information | Upcoming Events

Inside Higher Ed
More Information | Upcoming Events

The Chronicle of Higher Education
More Information | Upcoming Virtual Events

Contact Us

Office of Human Resources

Office of Human Resources

124 White Hall
(315) 792-3276

I would like to see logins and resources for:

For a general list of frequently used logins, you can also visit our logins page.